Located at the northern tip of Washington County.
Town of
Putnam, New York
How to file a small claim.
A small claim of up to $3000.00 can be filed in the town court. What you will need BEFORE you file:
The name of the person you're filing against (defendant).
The defendant's current address in Putnam.
A written statement of the circumstances that brought you to file the claim.
The dollar amount you are seeking in the claim.
Cash to pay the filing fee. $10.00 for claims under $1000.00 and $15.00 for claims between $1000.00 and $3000.00. The court does not accept personal checks. You will need exact change as the court does not hold petty cash.
When you are ready to file:
Call the court at (518) 547-8303 and leave a message stating you'd like to make an appointment to file a small claim. Give a number and a time you can be reached. Speak slowly and clearly. The clerk will call you back to set an appointment to meet with you at the town hall so you can file your claim.
At the appointment the claim will be filed, you will pay the fee and a court date will be set.
You will receive a small claims booklet from the clerk for your use. The court clerk cannot give legal advice, the booklet should be used to help you understand your options.