Located at the northern tip of Washington County.
Town of
Putnam, New York
Town of Putnam Directory
Title of Office
Phone Number
Putnam Town Supervisor
(518) 547-8317 Office
(518) 338-4160 Cell
P.O. Box 85
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Town Clerk
Darlene Kerr
(518) 547-8317 Office
P.O. Box 95
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Deputy Town Clerk
Mary Jane Dedrick
(518) 547-8317 Office
(518) 586-6653 Home
P.O. Box 95
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Town Justice
Hon. Alice A Forbes
(518) 547-8303 Office
P.O. Box 104
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Town Council
Kayla Bennett
(518) 932-1609
526 Liddle/Harris Road
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Town Council
Carole A. Schneider
(518) 547-8491 Home
358 Pulpit Point Road
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Town Council
Charles Bain Sr.
(518) 547-8458 Home
17 Bain Lane
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Town Council
Larry Shiell
(518) 547-8446 Home
439 County Route 3
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Sole Assessor
William McCarty
(518) 796-4548 Office
224 Coutny Route 62
Cambridge, NY 12816
Tax Collector
(518) 547-8317 Office
Darlene Kerr
P.O. Box 95
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Superintendent of Highways
Gary R. Treadway
(518) 547-8297 Office
(518) 547-8468 Home
Treadway Lane
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Dog Control Officer
Nancy Quell
(518) 692-2840 Office
Wild Animal Control
James Hebert
(518) 585-4440 Home
2977 NYS Rte. 74
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
Code Enforcement
John Graham
(518) 746-2150 Office
Washington County Code Enforcement
415 Lower Main Street
Hudson Falls, NY 12839
Registrar of Vital Statistics
Darlene Kerr
(518) 547-8317 Office
P.O. Box 95
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Town Historian
Eileen Greeley
(518) 547-8259 Home
Gull Bay Road
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Town Attorney
Robert Winn
13 North Street
Granville, NY 12832
Putnam Planning Board Chairman
William Brown
(518) 547-8955 Home
17 Charter Brook Lane
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Planning Board Clerk
Paula Wilson
15 County Route 3
Putnam Station, NY 12861
(518) 585-6504 Work
(518) 547-8356 Home
Putnam Planning Board
Galen Seerup
(518) 547-8955
State Route 22
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Planning Board
Mark Karlson
2388 Black Point Way
Putnam Planning Board
James Hock
(518) 547-8335 Home
213 Cummings Road
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Planning Board
Richard Malaney
(518) 547-8400 Home
51 Hutton Square Road
Putnam Station, NY 12861
Putnam Planning Board
Arthur Sheeley
13 Firehouse Lane
Putnam Station, NY 12861
(518) 547-8288 Home
Putnam Planning Board
Wayne Busby
(518) 547-8427 Home
11 Charter Brook Lane
Putnam Station, NY 12861